Thursday, January 30, 2014

Student Credit Card Application Tips

Student Credit Card Application Tips
Student Credit Card Application Tips
Since education has become very expensive, students are turning to student credit cards. When allowances from home are not enough to cover for the expenses in college, student credit cards can help augment a student’s budget.  

A student credit card is especially designed for students. This is a secured credit card which provides control over the expenses and prevents debt accumulation. The student credit card may cover for anything that the student needs. Many resort to this since student loans in schools usually do not cover expenses not related to school such as groceries, laundry expenses, transportation and many others. 

The way a student credit card works is the same as any credit card in the market although the student card has some restrictions in comparison with the non-student credit cards. Application may either be through direct application to the credit company or through online services. Either way, the applicant must be at least 18 years old, should have a valid Social Security number and must be a college or graduate student. 

In online applications, the student must furnish the following information: name in full, date of birth, citizenship and permanent residence address. Needed also are home address, email address and telephone number and a relative’s home address and contact details. Details of the college and enrolment details are also needed. The applicant must also state the address to which the card will be dispatched, billing address and the information about the bank account. 

Best student credit cards are those that give high credit lines with very low interest rates. Initial credit line application would give a credit ranging from $500 to $1,000 and interest rates ranging from 10% to 19.8%. This interest range is based from the rates of good credit payers and those who have mishandled their credit. 

When applying for student credit card online, choose credit companies that offer zero percent introductory APR, has no annual fee, has an interest free grace period and zero percent liability in case somebody uses the student credit card without the owner’s knowledge. Go also for those that give extra features such as cash back bonus, rewards program and competitive interest rates. 

Before completing the application form online, be sure to look for the best credit companies offering better credit packages than the others. A few referrals may also help you choose the kind of credit line to apply for. Asking a friend or a classmate who has had experiences with online student credit cards can be the best way to get the opinion and help make decisions or choices. 

In the internet, there are quite many companies offering different packages to entice more and more number of students resorting to student credit cards since applications online have been made easy. With just a few clicks and information, the student credit card may be granted within seconds. Just be sure to furnish the different information completely. 

Be sure to read properly the terms and conditions of the student credit card before submitting your application. Counter-check the information that you have entered in the application form. Do not go into agreements if there are unclear terms. Inquire in the credit company immediately. Be sure also to have a clear payment term so as not to acquire huge debts that will be harder to pay if not properly handled.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Student Credit Card 101 What Is This?

Student Credit Card 101
Student Credit Card 101
First things first, have you ever wondered how students get to have credit cards? Have you ever asked yourself just how such student credit cards actually work?

Basically, companies that offer credit cards offer student credit cards to a lot of students. This is done via direct marketing or partner marketing. Examples of this method is the MBNA card as well as the LL Bean credit card.

Then, the student cardholder purchases something using the student credit card. A transaction is therefore made at a merchant participant.

This merchant then captures all the data found on the student credit card and acquires credit card approval.

This data transaction is then sent immediately to be processed by the bank merchant for appropriate routing to the bank who will be issuing the settlement.

After which, the merchant is then paid in an average of three working days. The same transaction is also posted at the account of the consumer in three working days as well.

Offers of student credit card varies

Believe it or not, being a student does not mean illegibility to have and own a credit card. The fact of the matter is that there are three student credit card types.

One type of student credit card is the one released by banks. This includes MasterCard, Visa, Discover.

Another type of credit card is the American Express, entertainment and travel cards as well as Diners Club.

There are also cards that are called “house cards.” These types of credit cards that are available to students usually apply in a single store chain, such as the charge card for Sears.

Student credit card account types

Believe it or not, just as there are various student credit cards, there are also varied account types of student credit card.

Included in the basic student credit card terms is the agreement that is revolving. Through this type, a student gets to pay the full monthly amount or partially as based on the card’s balance.

Another type is the charge agreement. This is where a student promises to pay the monthly balance in full. This is so that no interest charges would incur.

Another type of agreement is the installment. This is where a student signs a specific contract that states he should repay a particular amount that is fixed over a particular time period.

Student credit card rights

Believe it or not, student credit cards also come with rights that work for the credit card holder.
Basically, this includes being protected from any unfair discrimination from having credit. The fact of the matter is that credit must never be denied anyone as based on age (legal requirement is one should be 18 years old), sex, racial background, marital status, national origin, religion.

Student credit card agreement

The act which touts Truth in Lending basically require any and all disclosure of fees or interests which could be charged to the student by the issuer of the card.

Just when and how such charges would be applied to the account is and should be explained thoroughly at the back side of the monthly credit card statement.

All in all, a student credit card is a tremendous help for any academic purchases a student might need. Thanks to the options currently available, getting one is really as easy as A-B-C.

What You Should Know Before You Sign Up Student Credit Card

What You Should Know Before You Sign Up Student Credit Card
What You Should Know Before You Sign Up Student Credit Card
Student credit cards, particularly college student credit cards, are an extremely popular trend among credit card companies. The student credit cards are offered on college campuses around the country and usually come with a free T-shirt just for signing up. The major benefit to college students of obtaining a student credit card is that they are often pulled in with a low interest rate a no fees. Furthermore, the earlier you start using a credit card, the better credit you will have by the time you are ready to graduate. (Of course, having a great credit score will make it easy for you to negotiate a low mortgage rate or car loan rate.)

How to Get One

It is very easy to enroll in a student credit card program. Periodically throughout the semester, credit card companies will position representatives on your college campus. The majority of the time these representatives offer incentives for signing up with their programs. Buyer beware: while enrolling for a credit card offer sounds like a  great deal if you get a free T-shirt, many credit card companies compel you to enroll and have you fill out lists of information. They will then sell your personal information to companies that then use it for marketing purposes. You should also be aware that the more you open and close credit card accounts, the greater the chances of a solid credit score being compromised. Therefore, it is advised that you enroll in a student credit card program only if you are serious about using the credit card. 

How the Credit Card Companies Benefit

Credit card companies benefit from offering special student credit cards on a number of levels. First, the credit card companies will of course benefit from the high interest rates that many college students assume when they enroll in a student credit card program. Students are tended to spend and because many of them are on a fixed budget, they are not always in a position to pay off their credit cards right away. Therefore, if a credit card company can supply students with an appealing credit card deal, they are likely to reap the benefits of the usage. Also, credit card companies are serious about building a loyal clientele. The younger that they start with their clients, the more likely the clients will be loyal to the credit card company and want to stay for the long-term. Therefore, you can see how offering student credit cards can be a lucrative and beneficial market. 

Where to Find Student Credit Cards

Most often, student credit cards are offered on college campuses by credit card companies. If there is not a college student credit card representative on your campus, then contact any credit card company directly to find out about available programs.

Using student credit cards not only helps you to establish a line of credit at an appropriate age, but it also helps you to build a history with a credit card company. By the time you graduate from college, chances are good that if you have several years worth of experience with a company, they will be likely to offer you a very nice interest rate in appreciation of your continued business. If you are a college student and do not have a college student credit card, then it is highly recommended that you investigate options for enrolling in such a program. After all, when it comes to obtaining a low interest rate, credit card companies care about your credit history. Enrolling in a student credit card program is a great way to start!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Student Credit Card, The Foundation Of Credit History

Student Credit Card, The Foundation Of Credit History
Student Credit Card, The Foundation Of Credit History
Typically, the life of a student involves a lot of expenses. And if you're attending college away from your family, having a credit card is always handy just in case you need to make emergency purchases. But for those who want to prove their independence, and take care of their own financial problems, the very first card that you may want to find in your wallet is a student credit card.

Before, applying for a credit card with no established good credit history is difficult. That was then, now is very much different. If you are a qualified student from an accredited university, you can avail of student credit cards offered by reputable banks in the state.

Student credit cards are especially designed for students; it is similar to any card, but it has more restrictions compared to non-student credit cards.

Some of these restrictions include:

-almost all student credit card holders are first timers when it comes to having their very own credit card, and in order to limit the bank's risk, these banks limit the credit amount to as low as $500 and to a maximum of $1000

-some issuing banks require a co-sign from parents or guardian

-interest rates charged for student credit cards are quite high since they don't have a proven credit history yet; in case of a loss, the amount is spread over the entire student population

Having a credit card is good, and students who have cards enjoy much of its benefits. But it doesn't end there, the students should also realize that credit cards offer a great value accompanied by a greater responsibility.

While it is most exciting for most students to have a credit card, others may find it scary. This is the initial step to responsible adulthood. At an early age, the student must learn to take care of his/her finances by using the credit card wisely and build a good credit rating.

Nowadays, the credit card choices being offered to students are no longer limited to high APR's, no benefits, and high fees. Issuing banks also offer reward cards to give students the opportunity to make points for cash back, merchandise, entertainment rewards, and airline regular flyer.

Some credit cards offer the students zero percent interest rates for a period of six months and maximum cash back of 5% on eligible gasoline station purchases, grocery stores, and drug stores. These cards usually have no annual fees; and these features are just recently introduced to the market. So the student can expect extraordinary features of the new phase of student credit cards.

Statistics have proven that most student credit cards are kept long after graduation, which provides the bank issuer an enormous customer value.

The students also benefit a lot from student cards. A student's life is accompanied by frequent spending on tuition fees, books, rent, road trips, and food. They will be given an opportunity to build a good credit history.

A student's years in college are a time for growing up, finding ones self, and choosing the right direction. It is therefore critical to build a solid financial record by using your credit card responsibly.

Once you have a good credit history, you will encounter no problems in making credit card applications after you graduate. And you have your student credit card to thank

Bad Credit Private Student Loans For Help !

Bad Credit  Private Student Loans For Help !
Bad Credit  Private Student Loans For Help ! 
Worried that you might miss school because of your bad credit rating, and can't manage a private student loan? Come on, there are lots of other ways in which you can manage a private loan, and you WILL go to school.
Today, Governments, local communities, businesses, are all worried about education for all. They want to encourage people like you to go to School, and they know you may be facing this dilemma of bad credit private student loan.

Instead of hanging around and brooding about it, get cracking! Look up the Internet, with some keywords, and presto, you will find so many you would wonder how come you did'nt know.
Your School would have the details of these private student loans from your school itself. You should meet your school counselor and place the facts plain right in front of him. These loans are available on certain terms and conditions. Take an example of a government loan, which is subsidized, like the Stafford Loan. You pay back, after six months of your graduation. And the rate of interest is generally much lower than those in the private student loans market.

Get in touch with your bank. Take an appointment, and meet the person concerned. Put your problems right in front, keeping back nothing. Be prepared for a hard grind. They also know your predicament, and yes, they too have advisories from Government to help, provided conditions are fulfilled. They know you and you know them because you are their customer. It helps them too to help you. How? They can come out at the end of every quarter or half, with statements about how many people they have helped with how much money from within your community! Its called Corporate Social Responsibility. You better start learning these things.

There are other ways too. You could try for a bad credit private student loan, by asking your father and mother to opt for loan known as PLUS. It will be cheaper, and further, the loan shifts to them, hence they have to repay, and it is based on their rating. You don't come into the picture. However,be sure that you pay them back the moment you get a good job and within that six months that Government does ask for. That way you will make your parents happy and proud of you.

You could still get that bad credit private student loan if one close chums agrees to co-sign with you, because his good credit should offset against your bad one. It's like a joint account. If one doesn't pay up, the other has to. You could have your parents or other family members do this. But you have to be very careful in repaying it on time, all the time. Otherwise you risk their credit going down as yours is already!
So take care. And get to school, and forget about everything else except to study hard, get good grades, and repay the loans you have taken, and stand up tall.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Student Credit Card - Manage and Build Credit

Student Credit Card - Manage and Build Credit
Manage and Build Credit Cards
The use of credit cards by students is at an all time high, and each year more and more students and young people are signing up to use credit cards. The alarming increase in these numbers has generated a lot of concern from various sources about the easy availability of credit cards and the potential pitfalls of irresponsible credit card use. But there is significant benefit that student credit cards can offer, including the opportunity for young cardholders to learn how to manage and build credit.

An alarming percentage of students and young people are already more than $10,000 in credit card debt and to complicate things even further, many of these students have yet to start earning a stable income. Financial responsibility is something that has to be taught at home, but most parents do not have the time nor the patience required to adequately guide their children about the vagaries and responsibilities of using and managing credit wisely. 

The cornerstone of proper personal financial planning is living well within your means. But peer pressure plays a major role in a student's life and, for young people in particular, it is extremely difficult to ignore the latest trends. Easy access to student credit cards is part of the problem for students trying to establish and build credit, and it has become very difficult to avoid credit card offers that allow students to complete a "brief" application form and obtain a credit card in such a short amount of time.  

But wise use of these credit cards can help those students who might otherwise struggle to pay their college fees and meet their day to day expenses as well as those who are just looking to get an early start on building their credit. Credit card issuers have recognized the market opportunity and have been offering increasingly competitive student credit card offers everyday. 

Another distinct advantage of having a student credit card is that it helps in starting the process of building a good credit history. Starting to build credit early will go a long way for young people trying to establish a financial track record prior to that first car or first home purchase. 

A highly recommended alternative of an unsecured student credit card is a debit or prepaid card with a credit limit. Money for purchases made on this card is just deducted from existing funds deposited in the student's account and when the spending reaches the limit, the student simply is not allowed to make any more purchases.

Before you decide to get a student credit card, you should pay special attention to any fees, exclusions and restrictions that might limit the use of the card.  Also, lookout for the rewards they are offering and then compare the overall costs that you have to bear. Also, don't forget to check for balance transfer transaction fees, blackout dates on rewards offers or for any restrictions or limitations which will fall under the terms and conditions.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Student Credit Card - How To Choose The Right One

How To Choose The Right Credit Cards
How To Choose The Right Credit Cards
Getting a student credit card is not hard to do. The problem comes in how it is used. Your student should not be carrying large sums of cash each month to get through the month. It could easily be lost or stolen. I had a friend that was considered a genius.  While we were at school he couldn't remember from one day to the next what he had done the previous day, or where he put anything, including his money. Another friend constantly ran out of money by the middle of the month and was either borrowing form other students or on the phone crying to his father about needing more. Not to say I was a saint, but that is another story.

A student credit card may be the first line of credit your child has. It will depend on the child if they understand the responsibilities of having one. Student credit cards can come with a monthly limit or with no limit at all except for the bank limit. You have a choice in that matter, because usually the student will need a co-signer for that card.

In a credit based family a child may have signature loans by the time they are twelve. My uncle was one of those people. They used a well known institution for signature loans and he would take out six month to one year loans for music equipment that he was easily able to pay back in half the time. By the time he was sixteen his credit rating soared and to this day he has no problems with getting what he wants when he wants it.

Most of us are not that lucky however, and some students just are not driven by desire. A student credit card should not be a gift and should not be considered a gift by the parents. The students themselves should be mentally-aware of how to handle finances. If your child is one of those that still has a quarter when you give them the second one a week later, then chances are they can handle a credit card. If it was lost or spent, you may need to start worrying. 

For the sake of the article we will assume that, while yet unproven, there is no indication that your student will use the credit card for junk. First sit down with the student and decide what the credit card will be used for. Keep in mind that a cola and pizza a day adds up to over $4475 plus tips, in credit over a year! The sum does not take into consideration other meals and snacks. A single candy bar at a school could easily add up to $365 dollars in credit over a year, if they only ate one a day. Try to remember your eating habits when you were a student.

Dormitory, apartment rent, books and tuition should be paid by check. If there is a car involved it should also be paid for by check, unless you and your student are familiar with online banking and the great benefits a good system offers.

If you are giving support to your student you can setup an auto withdrawal from your bank account each month to payoff the student credit card payments. The credit card can be great for just about anything but it, just like everything else, needs to be in moderation, and I mean moderation within your budget, not necessarily the students budget.

After you have decided on what the credit card will be used for go online and start searching.  Make sure you pay attention to the all of the details of the card, and all of its terms and conditions. Above all, make sure there is an automatic bill payment feature so the card is never paid late.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Student Credit Card - Choosing Your First Card

Choosing Your First Credit Card
Choosing Your First Card
Every young student going off to college wants the liberty of having their own credit card. What a great privilege it is, and sometimes, it could even be a great gift idea for a student, too. If you are in the process of choosing your first student credit card, or helping that special student of yours get their own card, before you start looking, some things should be considered - both about the young person, and about the types of cards available. 

A Word About You

If you are a young person looking to get your very first credit card, then listen for a moment to a couple of things. A credit card can be a blessing or a curse -- all depending on how you use it - and on who is footing the bill. Regardless of what you do with that credit card, the world is watching, and if you overcharge it, make late payments on it, or whatever, it will go toward your credit rating and affect it for years to come. When you get ready to buy that car, or those electronics, or clothes, it can affect that, too. Learn the proper use of finances and how to best use a card. The Internet would be a good place to pick up on this information if you do not already know it. Just by typing in the words "student credit card" you will find many Webs sites that can instruct you on how to best use it. 

A Word About The Cards

Here are some things to look for when you want to get that special student credit card.

· The APR 

This is the amount of interest that will be added to your student credit cards each month, and it will vary with each card. The best is 0% APR. Unless you have a good job and an excellent credit history already established, it might be difficult to get this kind of card. You need to note just how long of a time this introductory rate applies to the particular college student credit card. For most, it is about a year, but with some it is only good for three months. After that time frame, there is a standard interest level.

· The Cash Back Rewards

Many credit cards will now give some sort of incentive to get their card. Usually, it is somewhere between a 1 and 5% return on a specific type of purchase. Often there is one level of rebate given on groceries, medicines, and gas, and a different percentage on general purchases, and then another percentage given if you shop at certain stores. These student credit cards work out great for gas purchases, and other things. Some cards will give you air miles for your purchases, and that could be a good way to save money for flying home during the summer, or holidays. The benefit, however, pretty much ends if your payments are late, or if the card is not paid in full each month. These cards normally charge a little higher percentage in interest, and the benefits may not outweigh the losses.

· The Annual Fee

Most cards do not carry an annual fee, but enough of them do to make a note of it here. This fee can vary anywhere between $15 and go up to $135 per year. Some college student credit cards may waive this fee for the first year, but charge it later.  
Student credit cards are a great idea in that they also can prevent you from needing to have a lot of cash in the dorm. It gives you an added safety feature - and a good record of your purchases, too, so you can see where the money is going.

Student Credit Card – Good Idea

Student Credit Card – Good Idea
Student Credit Card – Good Idea
Applying for your first credit card can be a fun and exciting time. This is the first step to adulthood. When you think of the word, “credit card”, you probably instantly think of trouble. This is because most Americans today don’t know how to manage their money properly putting them in severe debt.

A Student Credit Card is a good idea depending on the user and how you use it. If you’re able to manage your money and stay clear of debt, you’re going to be on the right path. If you don’t think you’re going to have the responsibility and you think you’ll get into debt quick, steer clear of credit cards for a while. It would probably be best until you get a stable job before thinking of applying.

Credit cards are a great way to put your money on hold. If you say, get paid every other week and you won’t have access to your spending cash for a few weeks, this is where a credit card comes in handy. Once your bill comes in the mail, you will have access to your cash by then and will then be able to pay off the bill in full. It’s important that you pay off this bill in full because interest rates apply for every dollar you don’t pay off!

One of the nicest things about carrying around your new credit card is that you don’t have to worry about fraud or theft. You are only responsible for the first fifty dollars. This is great if you like to spend money online. Even though you should still worry about security, it’s important that you check your credit report at least once a year to avoid credit fraud. The government has made it so that you can check your report absolutely free once a year.

Credit cards are a great item to carry around if you know how to use it. The key is to spend what you can afford. You can’t treat this credit card as if it’s free money because believe me; the card can rack up quick. If you make a few small purchase that are around twenty dollars, five of those add up to a quick hundred bucks. Do you see where this is going? It’s important that you create an online account via your credit card companies website. Every week or so you should log in and check out your transactions. You’ll have to make sure you’ll be able to pay off these bills in full at the end of each month.

Credit cards overall are a great idea. It’s a lot safer than carrying cash and it’s a lot more traceable. If you think about it, every time you spend a dollar in cash, you tend to forget down the road on where you spent that money. With a credit card, like mentioned above, you’ll be able to track every penny and see where all of your money has been going. This is a great tool if you want to track your budget.

If you don’t like the idea of carrying around cash and you love to shop around not having to worry about your money being lost or stolen, a student credit card is a great idea for you. It has so many advantages and if you’re responsible enough, it can go a long ways!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Student Credit Card

The Student Credit Card
The Student Credit Card
There is a ton of extra literature the high school senior receives in the mail during their twelfth grade year. There are special scholarship offers, student financing, and special college programs, not to mention the number of invitations from Uncle Sam to come join the Navy, Marines, and Army. Having just been through this, I can add to that, at least fifty offers for a student credit card.

Now, no offense to these hard working people and their advertising campaigns, not to mention the U.S. Postal Service who delivered these documents; but, the majority of these offers ended up in the round file, aka as the trash, unopened. There is just too much, too fast, and you're busy with other things, like just getting through those last few months of school.

As a parent of a recent college graduate and another one coming up, I realize it is important that the college student have a credit card. Now that all of the excitement of final exams and graduation is over, it's time to start looking forward to the next step. With the new college year just around the corner, it's time to look at and compare those college student credit cards offers.

That is what is so great about the internet. You can enter college student credit card into any search engine and come up with a number of sites that give you a choice right here online. You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home. You can shop right here and even sign up and order your card any time day or night. No need to take a trip to the post office to mail your application, you just press enter.

When applying for a student credit card, there are a few things you need to keep in mind and consider.

-First, talk to your student about the responsibility that comes with having a credit card.

-Student credit card interest rates are a little higher because they usually have no previous credit history.

-Student credit cards have lower credit limits, normally $500 to $1,000.

-Caution your student about having more than one credit card.

-To avoid running up too much debt, the credit card should be used just for necessities.

-Try to pay the entire credit card balance each month.

-Explain to your student that if they fall behind in payments, the credit card issuer will increase their interest rate.

-Used properly, a student credit card can build up good credit, which is a valuable tool in today's world, along with that college degree.

Most college students obtain their first credit card either before they enter college or during their freshman year. Student credit cards can be a good thing, when used responsibly. Your student has used his time wisely thus far, enabling him to be admitted into college. Now it's up to them to earn a good credit rating, by following the rules of the credit card issuer. This is called education by experience.

Student Credit Cards

Student Credit Cards
Student Credit Cards
For students, the student credit cards are the best way to enter the fascinating world of credit cards. Student credit cards help the students in taking advantage of the various benefits associated with credit cards in general e.g. convenience, safety, rebates etc., much earlier in their life. Moreover, student credit cards act as training ground for students, most of whom haven’t had any experience with credit cards. 

The student credit cards help the students in gaining hands-on knowledge about the various aspects of credit cards and their use. Most credit card suppliers also include a small guide that helps the students in gaining a good understanding of credit cards, upfront. The students learn more and more with every transaction on their student credit card and as they experiment with the various benefits associated with the student credit cards using their student credit cards in various ways. Another important benefit is in terms of the time that student credit cards save for the students. As we know, time is very valuable for students and by using their student credit card to order things online, they can actually save a lot of time too. 

Moreover, the students might require short term loans (in case there is a delay in the arrival of funds in their account, for whatever reason); and student credit cards facilitate this very easily taking the burden off from the student (so students can use their student credit cards like a loan for making payments in the meantime). As such, money is the other critical thing for students. Student credit cards again become handy here by saving them some money in terms of rebates from retail stores, grocery shops etc. Moreover, the students also receive additional rewards/benefits from the members reward programmes that come with all credit cards (including student credit cards). 

As students use their student credit cards, they keep building their knowledge database. This knowledge becomes handy when they are out of college and into their job and looking for a full-fledged credit card (i.e. credit cards which have lesser restrictions, more credit limit etc as compared to a student credit card). Hence the student credit cards help the students in making a knowledge-based decision rather than a fancy-based one. Such decisions and the knowledge about using the credit cards in a disciplined manner, acts as a deterrent to one of the most serious problems being faced by credit card industry i.e. the problem of credit card debt.

With so many advantages on the plate, the student credit cards are really an essential for every student. 

Student Credit Card - Help with Managing Finances

Student Credit Card - Help with Managing Finances
Student Credit Card - Help with Managing Finances
Once a child enters college, there are lots of responsibilities that have to be faced by the child. One of the many responsibilities is to learn the art of managing their finances. A student credit card can prove to be both a great help but can also be an equal challenge. Most credit card companies bank on this opportunity of getting as many children interested in their student credit cards as possible. College student credit cards are often sought by parents looking for convenience and comfort for their children.

With the intention of getting more applications for student credit cards, credit card companies may offer free t-shirts, pens or CDs, anything that would attract the average teenager to apply for a student credit card or a college student credit card. However, before actually thinking of applying for a student credit card, the student has to learn how to use the credit card, to avoid falling into thousands of dollars of debt, outside their personal school loans!

The best way of getting your child ready to handle the responsibilities of a college student credit card is by applying for credit cards with both your names on it, and having a low credit limit. In this way, both you and your child have access to the credit card, while you get a monthly statement to get an idea of what the child has spent money on. Make it a point to budget a certain limit of money each month, wherein the child has to pay the amount off with their own money if possible. This way, the child learns not to pay for things that they cannot afford.

When choosing on the best student credit card for your child, choose one that has a low limit wherein the child has to be careful in spending money in order to remain in good credit standing. You can choose from either of the many tables and booths that are set up at college fairs or perhaps find the best student credit card with an online search. However, make sure that the company you are considering caters to student credit cards because these companies generally will have student credit cards generally have less stringent credit history criteria while also offering lower interest rates.

When choosing the right college student credit card, look for the company offering a longer grace period so that the child has more time to make payments for their expenses, before accruing any interest. It is always better to choose the student credit card that has no annual fee and a low late payment fee. This is of course to help the child that might face the prospect of incurring expenses over the long term with the card.

When applying for a student credit card, make sure to furnish accurate and true information about the student and yourself. You will have to reveal your name, address and phone number while the student will have to furnish information of the college, enrollment status and the year of enrollment to the institution. If any false information is provided, it diminishes the probability of getting the student credit card as the companies verifies all the information that is provided to them. Students that are employed or who have a substantial balance in the bank proves to be a more likely candidate for a student credit card. However, the maximum credit credit card companies offer students to start off with is usually in the range of $500 - $1,000.

One of the many advantages of having a student credit card is that the student can buy their school books using the college student credit cards instead of carrying money to pay for the them. This proves to be safer to the student. Student credit cards are best used to cover unexpected expenses the student may face. There are also student credit cards that let the student gain rewards for their purchase like cash back or perhaps even gas money for their trips back home!